Sunday, June 5, 2016

A Year End

We are coming up on the end of our second year here in Lijiang, Yunnan, China. It has already been such an adventure and a truly exciting journey. From stumbling, stuttering, and sprinting through the Guangzhou airport to making Lijiang our home, Jewel and I have been blessed the whole way.

I wanted to give an update on LJIA. We are moving! The location we are in now is in the middle of a village. It is neat for those of us who are into that sort of thing, but not so much for the parents who are not from the village and send their children to our school. So we will be waving goodbye to the mud walls that make up the buildings surrounding our present complex and the dogs that have chased us through the village street (and did in fact bite me once); and we are saying hello to the new facility in Coart Village. Yes, it is called “Coart Village” but it is more like “Coart Shopping Center of Beauty and Awesomeness”. Maybe you can tell, I am a little excited for this move! Jewel has encouraged me through many hours of laboring over powerpoint presentations and promotional videos, and Dom’s idea has been accepted by the Coart team. The move will take place at the end of July and beginning of August. We have had a few new children enroll already and we are praying for even more. The more children enrolled, the more influence we are able to have here!

As this year closes, we have already started reading the prologue for the 2016-2017 year. Applications have been turned in, acceptance letters have been sent out, and training documents have been edited. We are hoping to begin next year very smoothly and with the help of our present teachers’ hard work in filling out form after form of ideas for orientation/etc., I believe that it can be possible.

If I could ask you to consider one need that Jewel and I have. We are trying to raise support to purchase a car for when we return in the fall. The rainy and winter seasons can be harsh, and I want to be able to provide my wife, as well as other teachers, a ride safe from the elements. The vehicles that we are looking at could also be used for village travel! If the Lord lays it on your heart, I know we would be greatly blessed by any donation. I am also giving a CD of Christian music that I have recorded to anyone who would like a copy. Please contact me with your email address and I would be happy to send it your way. - -

We are never forsaken.

    Christopher D. Pearson