The reference is from Proverbs chapter 27 and verse 17. It reads, "Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
It seems to always be a while in-between these posts. Jewel and I want to thank everyone who has been praying faithfully for us. We know that we have been blessed. We have been given the opportunity to come over to this wonderful country without having to raise support due to the job that we have at Lijiang International Department of Huayang Academy for Language and Culture. I could not express to you just how thankful we are to be working here with these children every day, and striving to help them to grow.
I wanted to express the great joy that Jewel and I have whenever we get to speak to one of our dear friends back in America. Those of you who have taken the time to be an encouragement have done just that. This week I feel more sharpened than I have in a while because of the opportunity that I have had to meet online with many of my brothers in Christ.
A couple of updates for you to consider in prayer. The first is the possibility of growth for LJIA. The details are still being worked on, but I hope that you will pray earnestly that God might be glorified in the growth of this school. The second is an opportunity that has been presented very recently. As the Lord has led Jewel and I along so far, I believe that He is leading me into a continuance of my education. After a great deal of research into programs, I have decided to apply to attend PCC's graduate program. The entire course (Bachelor of Science in Educational Leadership) is online, and I am actively pursuing the completion of the application process. I hope that you will pray for Jewel and I as we open up a fresh chapter, and I know you will.
Thank you again for your encouragement!
In Christ,
Christopher and Jewel Pearson