Thursday, November 27, 2014

Giving Thanks in China

  In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.     - 1 Thess. 5:18

   This thanksgiving, we got to spend time with our family. No, we did not travel back to America, but we are part of a much larger family than just our flesh and blood. How can we not be thankful for the fellowship we have in our God. Things have been progressing well here. It is hard to believe that we are soon approaching the end of the first half of our first year. Doesn’t seem so long ago Jewel and I were being introduced to each other at Crown College. Certainly we have been brought faithfully along, and we have so very much to be grateful for. We spend the majority of our time teaching, but we find time to rest, and to continue to learn when we can!

    However, this is not just an update, nay for upon this day Americans reflect on the things that they are most thankful for. So, we had a time of fellowship together at the school. There was plenty of food, and we had a lot of fun.
     Before the details of the meeting are given I want to express that I am so thankful for my  wife. She does so much teaching every day, and still finds it within her to make wonderful meals, clean, and do extra teaching on the side. While I do try to be a help to her, I know that she does so much more than I could ask for. Also, when I married Jewel I knew she was a good cook, but I did not realize how GREAT of a cook she really is. It seems she can take anything and make it amazing. I have recently been renewing my effort to not put on weight, and, though I am trying to exercise every day, Jewel’s baking is irresistible. I’m hoping to learn to balance the two. :)

    On to the main event! Our Thanksgiving celebration began this morning at about 5:45 A.M.. While this may not be too exciting, the beginning of our celebration was to do nothing. It was the absence of alarm that began our thanksgiving off so wonderfully. It continued to be wonderful until about 8:00 when I got out of bed. Normally we begin our days off with coffee, we switch off and on who has to get out of bed to make the coffee (see we use our little french press so it’s a little more time than just pushing a button). But this morning was a special morning, and so we did not begin it with coffee, but with … wait for it … EGGNOG! Now, this is a drink that I am rather positive should be sold all year round at every market every where. However, because the people who actually own the markets don’t agree I must wait until that specific time of the year to get the Eggnog from Food Lion. The problem now of course is that Eggnog is not an Asian drink… So I found a recipe, and gave it a shot. The first time was probably a 7/10 which I will consider a small victory! After this, we got ready for the celebration. This consisted of me singing songs around the house while Jewel made the food. (I did get to baste the chicken in the oven though because… well… I’m all about that baste…)

    At the school we had a lot of fun fellowshipping with each other. Ian was grilling some pork, a young man named Gordon was preparing some yak, others were preparing different dishes in the kitchen, and the rest were standing around talking with the ones who were working. When it came time for the meal, it could not have been better. There was a lot of delicious meat, and, while there was no turkey, there were other items that made it quite the Thanksgiving feast including, but not limited to: mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, and rolls. It was delicious. Things tasted western, which is always a treat!

    After our meal, the guys shot some basketballs around for a while. Eventually we decided to set up and play kickball. Now the rules of kickball are quite simple right? You basically just take the rules of baseball and add a couple of things. The issue is that baseball is the great AMERICAN pastime. Seeing that the majority of those in attendance were not American, it made explaining the game just a bit harder. But eventually we had a good, and not TOO competitive game of kickball. We ended our time of fellowship with a couple of games of Farkle. Most everyone had left by now so we were down to six, but I would say that is a very good number of people for this game, so it was quite perfect. My wife won both of these because well, she IS a Pearson now…

    But really, we are so thankful, and we hope you are too. Don’t forget to be truly grateful for what you have because it is much more than we deserve. Also, drink plenty of eggnog for me this season.